Job offerings and other advertisements from partner institutions and industry.
The young Machine Learning Research Laboratory chaired by Prof. Marcus Liwicki has several open positions in the area of Machine Learning and AI. We can offer well-equipped laboratory facilities for performing research and good academic network in Sweden and abroad. The Post-Doc Scholarship is 100% for the duration of at least one year (extendable to two years). Afterwards, hiring at LTU is also possible. The awarded candidate will get a direct stipend of 28 000 SEK per month, which roughly corresponds to 2800 EUR and is 30% above the average net income in the area (more info
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a key diagnostic tool in epilepsy. The current gold-standard is visual analysis of EEG recordings by trained experts, who look for specific grapho-elements like spike-and-wave discharges or focal slowing. Since spikes (i.e. highly synchronized discharges that are isolated from the background EEG) are considered an abnormal electrical phenomenon associated with epilepsy, they are of special interest in EEG analysis. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding the relationship between spiking and ictogenesis, i.e. the generation of a seizure.
To support diagnostics, in the last 20 years a variety of quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis methods has been developed. They aim at revealing and quantifying signal properties that may escape expert analysis. However, it has not yet been sufficiently studied, whether qEEG measures are sensitive to phenomena that are independent or complementary to epileptic spikes. In order to approach this question, we need an algorithm to remove spikes from EEG recordings. Analysis of despiked EEG can then be compared to analysis of the original signals.
Jmail et al. (2017) have introduced a spike fitting algorithm that requires spike detection as a first step and makes strong assumptions about the shape of a spike. In the proposed master thesis project we aim at using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs, Goodfellow et al. 2014) for a similar purpose. Clinical EEGs recorded at the Inselspital (~100 patients, 30-120 channels, sampling rate 512 or 1024 Hz) are available and can be used immediately. Restricting the training data to spike-free EEG, this will allow to generate artificial signals that resemble the original EEG closely in spike-free situations and continuously replaces spikes with plausible EEG-like signals (Hartmann et al. 2018). As a starting point for this GAN-based despiking strategy we will use GAN-based denoising algorithms for physiological signals (Casas et al. 2018, Gandhi et al. 2018).
More information can be found here.
Christian Rummel (PhD)
Support Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (SCAN)
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology
Inselspital, 3010 Bern
Our team focuses on computational imaging, computational photography, and computer vision with the goal of impacting visual expression and communication. The team has 5 full-time researchers and 3 part-time contractors. Mohit Gupta at UW and Changxi Zheng at Columbia are currently our faculty collaborators.
Openings: We have 3 full-time positions and 6 summer internships open at the moment. The full-time positions are: Research Scientist (recent Phd), Senior Research Scientist (3-10 years since Phd) and Research Software Engineer (with IOS experience).
Strong candidates can send their CVs to Rachel Greenfield (
Adobe Research is offering Research and Engineering internships this Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2020 in Cambridge (MA), College Park (MD), Seattle (WA), San Francisco (CA), San Jose (CA) and London (UK). We are looking for PhD and Masters students who are excited about pushing the state of the art in research areas that impact our products and future endeavors: 2D and 3D Graphics, 360 Photography, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Audio, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Computer Vision, Developer Tools, Digital Marketing, Distributed Systems, Document Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, Imaging, Intelligent Agents and Assistants, Natural Language Processing, Programing Languages, Video, and more.
You will directly collaborate with one or more researchers or engineers, with access to robust computational resources and world-class product and design teams, empowering you to see your work in the hands of millions. We actively publish in leading journals and conferences, invent new products, and create compelling creative tools. We are especially interested in fostering ongoing collaborations and are open to projects that last beyond the internship and become part of your PhD thesis.
Learn more about our researchers and our work in the links below, including the steps necessary to be considered for a 2020 Adobe Research Internship position.
Wir sind ein mittelständisches Softwareunternehmen mit mehr als zehn Standorten und unserem Hauptsitz im norddeutschen Bremen. Unsere Schweizer Kunden werden von unserem jungen Tochterunternehmen, der CONTACT Software Schweiz AG, von unserem Büro in Basel aus betreut. Mit fast 300 Mitarbeitern und einem internationalen Partnernetzwerk sind wir führender Anbieter von offener Standardsoftware für den Produktentstehungsprozess und die digitale Transformation. Wir entwickeln modernste Software für unsere internationalen Kunden, die als weltweite Marktführer ihre Produktdaten mit unserer Unterstützung in Prozessen und Projekten effizienter nutzen können. Unsere modulare Plattform verbindet IT-Systeme mit dem Internet der Dinge (IoT) und unsere Data Scientists entwickeln bei uns automatische Methoden auf Basis künstlicher Intelligenz (AI), um smarte Produkte und innovative Geschäftsmodelle zu realisieren.
Neben zahlreichen bekannten Unternehmen, die in der Schweiz bereits unseres Software erfolgreich einsetzen, haben wir auch eine Softwarekomponente für den Bau des Gotthard-Tunnels bereit gestellt
Speziell sind wir auf der Suche nach Anwendungsentwicklern bzw. Solution Engineers, die nach einer umfassenden Einarbeitungsphase unsere Software weiterentwickeln und unsere Lösungen beim Kunden implementieren.